
Water, Water Nowhere

Water, Water Nowhere

The historic drought has thrown the Colorado River and its water system into crisis, with federal officials warning that serious conservation is the only way out.

Mining Towns of the Old West

Mining Towns of the Old West

Colorful Western mining towns where the ancestors of many Americans once flocked to seek their fortunes have become upscale tourist meccas for outdoor adventure.

Mountain Men and the Fur Trade

Mountain Men and the Fur Trade

The colorful annual mountain men rendezvous at Fort Bridger, Wyoming, commemorates the 19th century global fur trade.

The River That Keeps on Giving

The River That Keeps on Giving

The mammoth Colorado River is the lifeblood of the southwest United States, supplying water and power for cities and agriculture.

Getting the Job Done

Getting the Job Done

The daughter of a firefighter who died while working at a U.S. Forest Service camp reflects on fire crews fighting the deadly California fires.

What does it mean to be Hispanic?

What does it mean to be Hispanic?

What does it mean to be Latino or Hispanic in the United States? This blog explores the ambiguous origins of these two terms.

The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled

There's an alternative to the standard boring I-15 southern and I-80 northern routes across Nevada.

Aerial photography With No Plane

Aerial photography With No Plane

Who needs a plane to do aerial photography?