
Water, Water Nowhere

Water, Water Nowhere

The historic drought has thrown the Colorado River and its water system into crisis, with federal officials warning that serious conservation is the only way out.

The World’s Glaciers

The World’s Glaciers

Glaciers, one of the world's priceless natural resources, are melting rapidly because of global warming.

How Mountains Move

How Mountains Move

Mountains grow, shrink and change shape both slowly and suddenly, and human behavior is changing them in alarming ways.

Smoke and Haze

Smoke and Haze

Western wildfires have blanketed normally pristine landscapes with smoke. What's a photographer to do?

Yellowstone Roars Back To Life

Yellowstone Roars Back To Life

As the pandemic wanes in the United States, the crowds have returned to Yellowstone National Park.

The History of Race in America

The History of Race in America

The racial history of the United States belongs to us all, with the responsibility to resolve the accompanying outstanding problems.

Mountain Men and the Fur Trade

Mountain Men and the Fur Trade

The colorful annual mountain men rendezvous at Fort Bridger, Wyoming, commemorates the 19th century global fur trade.

The River That Keeps on Giving

The River That Keeps on Giving

The mammoth Colorado River is the lifeblood of the southwest United States, supplying water and power for cities and agriculture.