African American History

The Troubling Legacy of North America’s Oldest Brick House
Bacon's Castle in Virginia is a microcosm of major trends in U.S. history and culture.

Reinventing Civil War Reenactment
Civil War reenacting has taken a hit from the pandemic and controversy over the Confederate flag's association with racism.

Duke’s Beautiful Campus, Academic Excellence and Mixed Legacy
Duke University's Gothic architecture and academic excellence alongside its mixed historical legacy makes it a microcosm of the American South's historical dilemmas.

The History of Race in America
The racial history of the United States belongs to us all, with the responsibility to resolve the accompanying outstanding problems.

The Racism of Confederate Statues
The racist past associated with the Confederacy and Confederate monuments has a complex history.

Getting A Vaccine against Racism
A mother of non-white children compares her fears for her children because of COVID-19 and her fears for them because of racism.

New Orleans - Exuberant Hybrid
New Orleans's hybrid culture is the result of its 300 years as the gateway to trading networks of the Mississippi River.

Wolf in Ship’s Clothing
The picturesque town of Bristol, Rhode Island, once was a slave port and home of the nation's leading slave traders, the DeWolfs.

Memorial to Once-Forgotten People
A moving monument and burial ground in Manhattan comemorates enslaved people who once made up more than a third of New York City.