China Travel

The Psychology of Strongmen
We are seeing a global rise of strongmen leaders. We take a look at what make strongmen tick and why they gain followers.

How Mountains Move
Mountains grow, shrink and change shape both slowly and suddenly, and human behavior is changing them in alarming ways.

The Style that Went Around the World
Most Gothic architecture was built in the 19th and 20th centuries when the medieval style underwent a global revival. Now, Gothic is trending again.

How To Archive Your Photos
Globally, we all take some 1.44 trillion photos annually. Far fewer get organized and archived. Here's how to organize yours.

Elderly in China
An increase in the proportion of elderly in China because of a low fertility rate and longer life spans is threatening to short circuit prosperity.

The Sustainable Culture of Yogurt Jars
Cute little glass and ceramic yogurt jars have become a DIY trend and recycling strategy.

Comeback of the Courtyard House
The pandemic, soaring cost of housing and environmental concerns are renewing interest in courtyard houses, albeit on a miniature scale.

Tradition in a Teapot
Unglazed clay Yixing teapots hold within them hundreds of years of tradition and craftsmanship.

Confucius Conundrum
Chinese-sponsored Confucius Institutes have taken an international hit because of broader controversial China policies.

Traditional Asian Treats
Some of the best Southeast Asian treats are simple, traditional ones available at sidewalk restaurants and street stands.

A Classical Chinese Garden
Lan Su Chinese Garden in Portland, Ore., was built by artisans from the garden city of Suzhou, China, to demonstrate the basic elements of Chinese gardens.

Qing Ming Painting Resonates Over Centuries
China's most famous painting captured traditional life, the traces of which have survived into modern times.

Making a Box for a Chinese Painting
We built a wooden box for a treasured hand-painted copy of China's most famous painting - Along the River During the Qingming Festival.

Peace Village
We take a look back at a remote Chinese village that is now a crowded tourist destination.

Gift Wrapping
Wrapping gifts beautifully can help take the edge off of social distancing during the holidays.

China’s Stone Scriptures
Thousands of Buddhist scriptures carved in stone and buried for centuries are among China's greatest cultural treasures.

Inside a Chinese Painting
Take a quick break and enjoy spectacular scenery on a boat trip down the Li River near Guilin, China.

Private Paradises Amid Adversity
Sheltering at home has been accompanied by an outpouring of creativity that can help us cope with adversity and shape our future.

What does the future hold?
Dozens of experts’ analysis of long-term trends can help us identify the challenges and opportunities amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ancient Silk Road Meets High Tech
The International Dunhuang Project digitizes old documents, caves and artifacts to enable global study of Central Asian history.

Calendars - The Way We Keep Time
Our calendar system evolved over thousands of years and is continuing to do so with electronic calendars and globalization.

Tiananmen Square
China's Oct. 1 celebration of 70 years of Communist rule centers on Tiananmen Square, one of the world’s most controversial places.

Sustainable Clothing
The trade war with China. Environment degradation. Household debt. To bring all of them into focus, we can look in our closets.

Din Tai Fung Sightings
Din Tai Fung restaurants' delicious takes on common Taiwanese foods, especially steamed dumplings, have brought a devoted global following.

Mountain Men and the Fur Trade
The colorful annual mountain men rendezvous at Fort Bridger, Wyoming, commemorates the 19th century global fur trade.

The World is Flat (Bread)
Flatbreads are oldest, easiest breads and the most modern - pizza and tortillas are among the most popular foods. See our recipes.

Islam in China
Muslims in China are a diverse religious and cultural group with a tumultuous history who take various sides in political disputes.

China’s Export Porcelain
Chinese porcelain is durable and branded with its history, so it is used to trace China’s trade and cultural ties with other nations.

The Summer Palace
The Summer Palace, the most famous and heartbreaking of China's glorious imperial gardens, highlights dilemmas in the nation’s past.

Thirty Years Since Tiananmen
Thirty years ago, students staged pro-democracy protests on Tiananmen Square that shook China's Communist government.

The Elephant Needs the Room
Despite tough bans on ivory trade, Africa's elephants are declining in numbers because of poaching and trafficking of illegal ivory.

Scaffolding the World
Finding a historical site shrouded in scaffolding is disappointing, but it is a valuable tool for preserving the world's heritage.

Treasure Room and Two Palaces
In the French palace at Fontainebleau is a treasure room of dazzling artifacts taken by the French army from a palace in Beijing.

Sustainable Bamboo
Eat it, build a home or furniture with it, use it in the kitchen, use it for plumbing, wear it, make fences or containers with it.

China’s Walled Cities
Only scattered remnants survive of the many walled cities that once defined the Chinese empire.

Traces of an Ancient Superpower
Traces of an ancient Chinese superpower remain far away in Japan, the eastern end of the Silk Road.

Chinese Moments Published
Chinese Moments, our photo book on China in the turbulent 1980s and 1990s, has been published as an ebook and paperback.

The Round Door Arrives
The Thoughtful House's round door has arrived and been installed. Our video and blog celebrate round architecture.

Mortise-and-Tenon Timbers
Mortise-and-tenon timber construction, one of the most ancient forms of construction, is today a specialty craft.